Migration Services



Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional): To meet the requirements of the permanent visa (from November 2022) applicants must:

  • hold a regional provisional visa subclass visa 491 or 494 when they apply for the visa Subclass 191,
    and have held that visa for at least three years;
  • have earned the minimum income for at least three years as the holder of a
    regional provisional visa; and
  • have complied with the conditions of the regional provisional visa.


Would you like to know how to apply for an Australian permanent residence (skilled regional) subclass 191?
This is a permanent residence visa. It allows you and any family member to be granted this visa to:

– Stay in Australia for up to 5 years
– Work and study in Australia
– Get health care and health-related expenses of Medicare, Australia
– Apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

The Australian Permanent residence (skilled regional) visa subclass 191: has replaced visa 187 (RSMS) since November 16, 2019. However, to be eligible to apply for a 191 visa, you first must have a minimum of 3 years for visa 491 or 494.

So, the first application for 191 can be applied in November 2022.

What do you have to do to apply for an Australian permanent residence (skilled regional) visa subclass 191?
– Have a temporary 491 or 494 regional visa hold that visa for at least three years;
– Have lived for at least 3 years and have a taxable income at or above a specific income threshold for at least three years

– Both primary and secondary applicants have complied with the conditions of the eligible visa you hold or have held
See also: Visa 186 – Australian business skills category here.

The changes in skilled migration visa:
The skilled migration points test will change from November 16, 2019. These changes will affect class 491 applicants as well as other skilled migration visa applications that have not been evaluated at that time (in a way that benefits the applicant by providing extra points). The new point details are:

  • 15 points for nomination by a State or Territory government agency or sponsorship by a family member residing in regional Australia, to live and work in regional Australia;
  • 10 points for a skilled spouse or de facto partner;
  • 5 points for a spouse or de facto partner with ‘competent English’;
  • 10 points for certain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications;
  • 10 points for applicants without a spouse or de facto partner

The estimated cost of visa 191
The department will announce the cost closer to the commencement date.

The Visa application fee is expected to be close to:

Primary applicant – $ 385
Additional applicants are over 18 – $ 195
Additional applicants are under 18 – $ 100
You might have to pay an extra charge for any applicant 18 years old or older who has less than functional English. This charge is called the second instalment charge.

Income requirement
Applicants are required to have a taxable income of at least the minimum amount set out in the legislative document (Currently $ 53,900).

Important: Candidates who earn $ 53,900 and request a deduction through their tax return will no longer be eligible to apply, as their taxable income will drop before the threshold.

New skilled regional Australian visa – feature

Designated regional areas

  • At the commencement of the new regional provisional visas, it is intended that the designated regional areas, to be identified in a legislative instrument, will include all of Australia except for Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast.
  • Regional visa holders can live in any of the designated areas and can travel between designated areas
  • Only Subclasses 491 and 494 visa holders are eligible to apply for this visa
  • Must have held the Subclass 491 or 494 for at least three years and substantially complied with the conditions of the visa and Condition 8579
  • Must have met a minimum threshold taxable income level for at least three years while holding the Subclass 491 or 494 (threshold to be specified by legislative instrument)
  • Dependent children included as members of the family unit for the Subclass 491 or 494 visas, may be included in Subclass 191 application, even if no longer able to meet the definition of dependency      
  • Health PIC 4007 and character PIC apply to all primary applicants and members of the family unit, whether applicants or not
  • May apply and be granted inside or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance
  • VAC – Base application charge: primary applicant $385; additional applicant over 18 years: $195, under 18 years: $100
  • Permanent visa allowing the holder to travel to and enter Australia for a period of 5 years from the grant date

Condition 8578

 Notify Department within 14 days of changes to visa holder’s residential address, contact details, passport details, employer address, location of position

Condition 8579

Requires the applicant to live, work and study (where relevant) in designated regional area

Permits visa holder to move between designated regional areas

Prevents visa holder from accessing any other skilled migration visa for at least three years

Cancellation provisions may apply if not compliant with Condition 8579

Condition 8580

Requires within 28 days, if requested in writing by the Minister, the visa holder’s residential address, address of employer, address of the location of position employed in, address of any educational institution attended by the visa holder

Condition 8581

Requires visa holder, if requested in writing by the Minister to attend an interview which may be undertaken face to face or by video conferencing applications

 Condition 8608

The holder must work only in the nominated occupation identified in the application for the most recent Subclass 494 visa granted to the holder, must only work in the position in nominating a business or associated entity, unless occupation specified by the Minister or to fulfill a legal requirement after giving notice; commence work within 90 days of arriving in Australia; not cease work employment for more than 90 days; continue to hold license or registration.

For further advice, please contact Newland-Travel & Immigration 

Office in Australia:

Address: Level 1, 42-44 Arthur Street, Cabramatta, NSW 2166

Hotline: 61-417 422 849 & 61-2-97257922

Office in Vietnam: Tan Dai Loi 

Address: 448/3 Le Van Sy, Ward 14, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

Hotline: 028-39310614

Email: tandailoi888@gmail.com