About us
Newland Travel and Immigration was established in September 1994. Our office has been located at Cabramatta in the Western side of Sydney, Australia.
In 1997 we opened an office in Vietnam to assist local Vietnamese people with their migration and travel purposes. Our present office is in Vietnam Tan Dai Loi and is currently located at District 3 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
We specialize in the following fields:
- Arrange international and domestic air tickets.
- Provide assistance with international and domestic tours.
- Arrange travel insurance.
- Assist with hotel bookings.
- Help to buy excess baggage with airlines
- Assist customers to renew passports, apply for entry visas etc.
Although we specialize in travel to Vietnam and other Asia countries, we can arrange your travel and organize tours anywhere in the world.
Studying in Australia is always a dream and the first choice of Vietnamese students as well as international students from other countries. Australia is a beautiful, peaceful and well-developed country with a world-class education system that gives overseas students the opportunities to migrate and work after graduation.
We have many years of experience in assisting overseas students obtaining visas from primary school, high school to undergraduate and postgraduate.
To us, we are always dedicated to our customers. We try to have the best result for your applications.
Over the past 20 years, we have assisted thousands of migrants to migrate to Australia under different categories:
- Family Reunion ( we provide assistance from beginning to until you have permanent residence ) such as: Partner visa, Parents visa, Child Visa, Last remaining relatives or carer visa etc
- Tourist/ Visitor visa to Australia or to other countries over the world
- Skilled visa
- Business Innovation and Investment visa
- Apply for review cases that have been refused by the Australian Department of Immigration
Our main aim is to provide you with a reliable service at an affordable price.
We also provide translation service from all languages being translated to English in a very short timeframe at an affordable price.
Newland Travel & Immigration, ABN 69 066 151 139 is a distributor of nib Travel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (nib), ABN 81 115932 173, AFSL No 308461, and receives a commission for nib products purchased through Newland Travel & Immigration. Newland Travel & Immigration acts as an agent for nib and not as your agent. Newland Travel & Immigration cannot give advice about nib products, and any factual information provided is not intended to imply a recommendation or opinion about nib products. Before you buy, read the Product Disclosure Statement available from us. If you have a complaint about a nib product, see the Product Disclosure statement for the complaints process. This insurance is underwritten by XL Insurance Company SE, Australia branch (ABN 36 083 570 441).